Why Catchfire is Upping Our Project Management Game

We’ve been growing – and fast! In the past few months, we’ve added a few new faces to our team, as well as seeing our client base expand, all of which is exciting for our small-but-mighty team. Like any agency going through a growth spurt, we knew that we had to make some adjustments internally and tighten up our process to produce work that both lives up to our exacting standards AND is as efficient as possible. However, when you’re juggling a diverse array of clients while maintaining a jam-packed production schedule of inbound content, photography, brand strategy, design, website development….wait, what were we talking about, again?
We know that there’s a fine balance between no direction and too much direction, but when an agency walks that line, the result is a win-win-win: the work is better, the clients are happier, and the agency benefits. Our old process was fine – but we expect more from ourselves than, “fine.” So, we did what we advocate our clients to do: pull in the expert.
We worked with process expert Eileen who conducted internal interviews and analyzed our pain points. Based on her recommendations, we got down to the nitty gritty – starting with becoming Basecamp enthusiasts. A powerhouse of a resource that has quickly become our best friend, Basecamp lets us lay out all of our projects so that we can see what’s due, when we should have it completed by, and allows us to check things off along the way. Goodbye, individual and mental to-do lists! Basecamp is a must-have when it comes to timeliness and organization.
When it comes to maintaining the ebb and flow of projects (and saving the day on a regular basis), we rely on our superstars Gloria, Project Coordinator, and Meghan, Inbound Coordinator, to focus on the internal side of things. Gloria and Meghan make sure that each department has the information and resources it needs to create spectacular work; keep us on track about deadlines; last-minute web or content changes that need to be made; and how our clients respond to what we produce. Our days are packed to the brim, but they’re not afraid to remind us when we have a strict deadline on the horizon.
We’re pushing ourselves even further to give you our best work yet. This means as a client, before a single pixel is created, we’ll dive into your brand architecture and positioning to build a foundation for the project. After that’s complete, you’ll be presented with a detailed creative brief that outlines the project down to the last detail. Everyone starts on the same page and stays aligned until the project is complete – and when we say complete, we mean spectacular.
Have big dreams but not sure how to translate them into reality? That’s what we’re here for. We’re storytellers who bring brands to life, and we translate passion – both yours and our own – into ideas that work. Ready to get started?