Elevating the Success of Your Next Product Launch

You’ve spent countless hours developing a brand new concept, and after all that work, you want to ensure a successful release. Product launches are the perfect opportunity to attract a fresh audience and increase conversions. Whether it’s a new to market brand or the latest product iteration, creating online buzz is vital when launching a D2C product. We’re sharing why building excitement matters and how the right combination of social and email marketing tactics can help elevate the success of your next product launch.
Increasing consumer desire by marketing a new product before its release date can directly impact the success of sales and social engagement. When planning the launch of the Sawyer Circle for leather goods retailer Osgoode Marley, our research made clear that pre-launch content meant to tease and entice would perform well. We observed several launches across verticals and product types and concluded that a stand-alone product landing page devoted to the Sawyer Circle would be the ideal setting to drive traffic from our pre-release social promotions. Our strategy resulted in positioning the Sawyer Circle as the top product by revenue growth for Osgoode Marley since its launch in February and an overall bestseller of 2020 according to total sales.
We arrived at this profitable result by crafting a visually-driven marketing campaign focused on both social engagement and email marketing to heighten desire prior to launch. In preparation for our post-holiday release, we began teasing the product’s circular silhouette during the month of January to play off the “new beginnings” sentiment related to both our audience’s life and wardrobe. Having garnered a buzz across social, launching in February allowed us to skip over the typically frugal comedown following the holiday season and jump back in just as consumers started to ease into retail purchases.
Highlighting the geometric shape of the Sawyer Circle was key to our pre-launch vision. During our campaign photoshoot, our creative team worked to capture all angles and features of the bag. The clean and bold imagery we captured reflected the simplicity of the product design and worked to stand out from the lifestyle imagery present on Osgoode Marley’s social channels. The product photography was utilized both on social and in a trio of visually-driven email marketing campaigns sent to subscribers in advance of the launch. Versatile imagery helped us create a cohesive design across multiple social marketing channels while maintaining unique elements for a powerful and engaging introduction to the product.
To further showcase the functionality of the bag, we published a series of companion blogs featuring custom lifestyle photography to share different styled outfits and occasions for product inspiration. Creating content across multiple marketing platforms offered a well-rounded view of the product, which helped drive traffic to the product landing page designed to increase buyer confidence and drive conversions. This also gave us one specific webpage to monitor and report on traffic. During the month of this campaign, Osgoode Marley saw both a 36.42% increase in web sessions and a 200% increase in impressions across social channels year-over-year.
Building online hype for your latest launch will leave consumers eagerly awaiting your product’s arrival. A solid strategy across the digital marketing landscape can create the buzz your brand needs to build and maintain the excitement surrounding your newest product launch campaign. Interested in how Catchfire can elevate the success of your next launch? We’re here to guide you on how to reach the right audience for your next project.
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