Download Our Free Guide: 7 Reporting Metrics You Should Be Tracking

A critical component for uncovering success and shortcomings, analyzing data is the last step to any digital marketing campaign. Customized reporting provides clients with insight into whether or not the campaign at hand achieved their brand’s goals with an effective ROI. By collecting and analyzing data, those responsible for the ideation and execution of digital strategies can uncover the KPIs needed to meet and exceed a brand’s outlined marketing goals.
Goal-centric reporting showcases how a brand’s engagement efforts and monetary investments are paying off. By breaking down how specific campaigns are fulfilling goals and generating conversions, brand managers have a better picture of how their money is allocated.
In 2019, digital ad spending in the U.S. surpassed traditional ad spend and is forecasted to reach two-thirds of total media spending by 2023. This rise in digital expenditures further proves that an investment in digital marketing is necessary to stay competitive in an expanding online marketplace.
In order to achieve a successful ROI, a brand needs consistent monitoring of both current and past campaigns to map out an effective strategy for future endeavors. Utilizing professional reporting services helps articulate how campaigns are reaching their goals while providing deeper insight into factors like the type of content that best resonates with a brand’s target audience.
Interested in learning more about the benefits of professional reporting? Learn more about specific metrics, how to interpret them and why they matter to your brand’s success. Sign up for our newsletter to download our free guide to the 7 Reporting Metrics You Should Be Tracking!
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