29 Things About Catchfire Creative

Did you know that the odds of being born on February 29th are 1 in 1,461? So since this special day only comes around once every four years, we decided to celebrate by sharing 29 facts and favorites of our Catchfire team.
1. We start off our week with breakfast from The Works every Monday morning. While most of us prefer everything bagels toasted with bacon scallion cream cheese or yogurt parfaits, we’re always open to new suggestions.
2. This is our office dog, Dolce Schulthess. She loves sunbathing, eating lunch with her crew, and starring in her own Instagram account, @dolce_the_catdog.
She’s also more stylish than any of us.
3. Our 5 year anniversary is in May. We’re open to party suggestions! Good party suggestion = instant invite.
4. We’re on our third office space. While our awesome place on Bow Street is our favorite, we miss the convenience of being located right above Breaking New Grounds. Nothing beats a 10-second walk for coffee in the winter.
5. Our other office is located in Brooklyn, NY. There, Seth holds down the fort and has meetings in a ridiculously cool conference room. In BK, his favorite slice of pizza hails from Grandma’s Original Pizza.
6. We like to stand…a lot. All of our desks are stand/sit which allows us to think on our feet…and win at FitBit competitions.
7. We like Macs. This one time, Drew told us that he preferred PCs, and then we all shunned him until he joined us in the Apple world. However, we do keep an old PC around for site compatibility testing.
8. Our Web Developer John speaks four different languages. Not including the language of code.
9. We have a basketball hoop (that we never use), and a ping pong table (that we ALWAYS use…as a desk).
10. There is rarely an internal email stream without at least 5 gifs included to express what we really think.
11. We have a Drew married to a Brittany and a Brittany with the last name Drew.
12. We like to celebrate birthdays at Catchfire with lunch, plenty of birthday gifs, and a playlist featuring hits from the year you were born. We secretly want you to be born in the 90’s because a Backstreet Boys/NSync battle is everything.
13. We have a French press to cure our caffeine fixes. Daily tutorials on usage are given in the kitchen.
14. Our Portsmouth office is an old brewery from the 1870’s! Which makes office happy hours not only fun, but historical.
15. Seth and Drew, our two founders, met at Exeter High School. Our newest team member Alyssa graduated from there, too. Go Blue Hawks!
16. Our Art Director, Brian, starts talking about lunch every day around 10 AM. We don’t mind because it usually takes us a long time to decide where to go, and because we have a lot of food based clients, we’re always hungry.
17. Someone always eats at Ceres Street Bakery (usually several times per week). But I mean, why wouldn’t you?
18. There are two record players in our office. They both need new needles. We just want to listen to the sweet music of some old vinyls!
19. Lauren and Becky spotted Tom Bergeron in Market Square. While initially confused as to whether he was Billy Costa or Anthony Bourdain, they quickly discovered his real identity and snapped a pic.
20. Our beautiful conference table was handcrafted by Drew’s father-in-law, Brad Woods.
21. Our favorite CMS is WordPress, and our favorite eCommerce platform is Shopify.
22. We name all of our web servers after characters from Mortal Kombat.
23. We always have a bottle of Sriracha on hand at the office.
24. We use DropBox to backup and store all of our work, Basecamp to keep projects running smoothly, and Google Drive to collaborate as a team.
25. Drew has a secret love for Yanni.
26. The first company meeting was in Kaffee Vonsolln.
27. Once, we flew a helicopter into Market Street from out of our office window. We won’t get into specifics, like the size of said helicopter.
28. We have not one, but two animal wallpapered walls…because animals are cute and wallpaper is fun.
29. We once shut down early to watch a documentary about the font ‘Helvetica.’
We hope that you enjoyed learning a little more about us, and that you’re enjoying your leap day!
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